June 25, 2015
Hi everyone,

Well, we made it......I cannot express how wonderful it was t teach such an amazing group of students. Each and every day they amazed me with their great sense of humour, talent, and their dedication to their learning.
They are definitely not the same students that walked into my classroom 10 months ago. So now I hand them back to you a few inches taller, a little heavier and so much brighter!
I have enjoyed my last teaching year here in Regina....now I venture back to teach a little closer to home. I am truly thankful for your amazing dedication and support in your child's education. I was immensely appreciated!

For the lovely gifts, not necessary but SO MUCH APPRECIATED!! I will definitely be spoiling myself this summer. Hooray for new adventures ahead.

Wherever life may take all of you, I wish you nothing but the best in whatever you do! This is not goodbye but farewell.....because you just never know the direction life takes you. I hope to be back to visit!

Mme Danielle Robertson


June 15, 2015
Hi there.

This is just a note to say that all library books need to be returned by tomorrow or a $5 fine per book will be charged. I have glued in your child's overdue books. Please look around your homes, I have already checked desks and classroom library!

Mme R.


June 9, 2015
Hi everyone,

Here are just a few notes and reminders:

  • Students are now working on French plays at school. Students have a copy of the play we are in. Please have them practice every night so that they can memorize their lines. This year we will not be doing a large production, but students will be presenting them in front of their peers.
  • Library books: please return ALL library books to school by Thursday of this week. We will no longer be doing library book exchanges. Any outstanding books will be of charge to you. Please look at home for any overdue books that students may have. Overdue notices will be sent home on Friday.
  • Trip change: we have changed our water park trip to Candy Cane park. We will keep you posted if we change in back to the spray park.
  • Milk cards will end on Friday June 20th-please hang on to any unused milk cards as they can be used again in the fall.
  • Black reading bags: I am still missing some reading bags. Please return them as soon as possible. I will no longer be distributing them. To continue french reading please access the site www.tumblebooks.com (user:rbe password: books)

Thanks for all your help!

Mme Robertson



May 29, 2015
Hi everyone,

I have managed to get all June notes out to you: reading log, calendar, calendar and scholastic order. Please check those out!
PLEASE remember to return black reading bags on Monday. I do want to continue reading for the next few weeks.

Most importantly, keep an eye out for any library books laying around. Students have overdue books that need to be returned or notices will be sent home.

PRIMARY PLAY DAY: Please read the blog posts indicating what colour your child should be wearing that day.

Dictee lundi and words are on the blog.

Have a fantastic weekend!



Dear Parents,

The end of the year is fast-approaching and we are excited to end it with some great fun. Please be sure to keep these dates at hand so that you always know what is happening. Please pay ONLINE by Friday June 5th for all trips. If you will be absent for any trips, please send an email, detailing this information. We all look forward to a great month of June!!:)

Date: MONDAY JUNE 15TH, 2015

Students will be going to Golden Mile Bowling for the morning. The cost of this trip is $8.00. We will be leaving the school at 10:30am. This time we will be bowling over the lunch hour so all students need to ensure they have a lunch to eat at school when they get back.


Students will be enjoying a day in the sun! We will be heading to Sunset Park in the south end to enjoy a picnic and some fun at the park. Please have students bring their favourite outdoor games such as soccer balls, footballs etc. If possible, we are hoping to go enjoy the splash park. Please come dressed in bathing suits and bring a towel just in case. It will be a hot day, so please make sure you apply sunscreen to your child before they come to school and send it in their backpack for re-application throughout the day. All students must always be wearing a hat and be accompanied with PLENTY of water. Please send a hearty lunch with plenty of snacks as well. The cost of this will be $1.50.

Date: TUESDAY JUNE 23RD, 2015

Students will be going to Rainbow Cinemas to enjoy a fun movie. The cost for the trip, including bus, will be $5.50. As we have been studying fairy tale elements, the movie Cinderella will be our show of choice. Students should pay close attention so that we can make connections between the story and the movie. Students are to bring a small snack that they can eat during the movie.


We are going to have a fun swim at SSLC. Mme Robertson’s class and Mme Diewold’s class are going from 2-3pm. Please have students wear their bathing suits under their clothes and bring a towel. If you are able to volunteer your time at the pool to help in change rooms that would be greatly appreciated. The cost of this trip is $3.00.





May 27, 2015
Please read this note and send your child with the appropriate gear to school. CLOTHING COLOUR is very important. So please try your best. Students are numbered #1-10. Please look for your child's name under their number. Thanks so much for your support. If you can volunteer, and have a criminal reference check, please come on out!


#1- blue: Heather, William, Jami
#2-red: Taiven, Damian, Sadie
#3 yellow: Alexis, Rachel, Veronica
#4 orange: Jiayan, Riley, Isaac
#5 purple: Aiden D., Dustin, Danna
#6 green: Yusuf, Ahmed, Sarah
#7 brown: Asja, Haru
#8 black: Thea, Maya
#9 white: Charlotte, Matthew
#10 multi-colored: Zahin, Seth

Dear Parents,
Tuesday, June 2nd we are having an all-day play day for all grade 1 to grade 3 students.  Teams will be made of children from all classes with group leaders from an older grade. Each team will have a colour. We ask that students do their best to dress in that colour on Tuesday. Please send your child to school in play clothes ready for a day outside with sunscreen, bug spray, a hat, running shoes,  and water bottle, etc. We’ve planned a variety of fun indoor and outdoor activities for the kids. Some activities have a water element so they may get a bit wet.
Any parent with a criminal record check wanting to volunteer is most welcome! Please talk to your child’s classroom teacher or email Mrs. Crawford or Mme Potter at trina.crawford@rbe.sk.ca or Kristina.potter@rbe.sk.ca.
The play day planning crew

SPECIAL LUNCH VOLUNTEERS: Special Lunch is next Friday June 5th: If you can volunteer, please email me ASAP.

Mme R.


May 26, 2015
Hi everyone,

This is just a quick note to say that there a lot of students in need to new supplies....just to make it through the next couple of weeks!
I tried the sharing of the supplies with friends but it becomes too disruptive. Please send your son or daughter with some new markers or pencils crayons next week. Nothing fancy please, Dollarama is awesome!!!!:)

Thanks a bunch!
Mme R.


May 19, 2015
We have a number of outstanding library books. Please look around your homes to see if we can get them back to school as soon as possible. Thanks for your help! I sent notices home today in your child's agenda!!:)

Please read previous blog message as well....

Mme D.

Important Messages

May 19, 2015
Hi everyone,

Hope everyone had a fun and relaxing long weekend......

here are just a few tidbits of info/reminders you need to know:

1. Students should have a new set of Dictee words glued to their agenda. If not, please have them ask for one tomorrow. They are also on the blog.

2. Students will be participating in an EYES workshop next week. We are looking forward to some great fun! The cost of this will be $1.50. Please have payment complete online by this Friday May 22nd.

ONLINE PAYMENT: As the end of the year approaches, the office is very busy looking after all accounts and ensuring that everything is paid up. There are a number of field trips that have not been paid for. I am asking that everyone log into their account and pay for any outstanding trips that we have had so far this year. Please have this complete  by Friday May 22nd.

Hope everyone had a fun and relaxing long weekend......

Thanks so much for all your help and support! Much appreciated!

Mme Robertson


May 7, 2015
Your son or daughter will have a special lunch form in their backpack today. I am looking for 3 volunteers for the lunch hour. If you can help out, please email me!!:)

Mme R.


May 7, 2015
Hi everyone,

We are in the home stretch of the school year. Your kids have worked so hard since September and we are looking forward to finishing out the year strong. Hooray!!:)

PS. Please send Scholastic orders back by Tuesday May 12th. Thanks.

FRENCH: Students have been continuing to practice reading, writing, comprehension skills and building vocabulary. We have been doing lots of different kinds of writing; we are just finishing up our "How-To" stories with a spring theme. Students were excited to choose their favourite spring activity and write about the steps needed to complete the task. A job well done.

MATH: We are just about done our long stretch of addition and subtraction. It is probably the hardest grade 2 unit they will do but they have managed to grasp the concepts well. However, it is still important that students practice their addition and subtraction skills on a daily basis (both single and double digit). Please continue to use Xtra Math, there is now an app you can purchase as well. We will be moving on to geometry next. An enjoyable brain break as we step away from numbers for a while.

SCIENCE: We have just finished our unit on the environment/objects and materials. We focused on what it means to reduce, reuse and recycle; ways to save energy and other things we can do to make the planet a little cleaner. You all have knowledgeable little environmentalists now!!:) We are now learning all about animal life cycles. It's going to be a blast!

READING BAGS: My goal is to provide reading bags to students every week so that they can have French materials at home. At this time, I am unable to send any home because they are not being brought back to school in a timely manner. Yesterday, I had 15 reading bags missing. Please search your homes and return them as soon as possible.

LIBRARY BOOKS: Please remember that library books are due back every Day 3. There are a number of students who have plenty of books outstanding. Please return them so that overdue/payment notices are not sent home.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies. You are all very extra special people in your children's lives. They love and appreciate all you do! Have a great day!

Thanks for all your help and support,
Mme Robertson

About The Teacher.....

I moved from Toronto, Ontario to Regina three and a half years ago to pursue my passion in the education field. Being a teacher is such a fulfilling experience, and each year I look forward to new and exciting experiences with my students.


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